domingo, 25 de março de 2007

Lançamento da campanha presidencial de Lu Olo foi um grande êxito apesar da chuva forte (Traducao da Margarida)

De correspondentes em Timor-Leste

DILI, 25 Março 2007

Um antigo guerrilheiro da resistência que agora é Presidente do Parlamento Nacional de Timor-Leste, Francisco "Lu'Olo" Guterres, lançou em 23 de Março de 2007 a sua campanha para ser Presidente da Repúblia num comício com 10,000 apoiantes que se juntaram apesar da forte chuva na cidade de Ossu, a sudeste de Dili.

Ossu é a terra natal de Lu'Olo e a região onde primeiro serviu o seu povo como jovem guerrilheiro da resistência quando recuou para as montanhas com as forças da Fretilin depois da invasão Indonésia em 1975. Lutou nas montanhas durante toda a ocupação de 24 anos e era o membro da Fretilin de mais alto nível em Timor-Leste quando as forças armadas Indonésias partiram em 1999.

No comício, Lu'Olo, que é também presidente da Fretilin, fez um discurso com base nas suas promessas eleitorais que foram distribuídas à população em 22 de Março de 2007. Disse que se for eleito presidente da República em 9 de Abril 9 será "o Presidente de todos e um Presidente para todos ".

Lu'Olo disse que será um Presidente que trabalhará para resolver a crise corrente e estabelecer a paz e a estabilidade em Timor-Leste. Acrescentou que não quer ser um Presidente que incita divisões entre as pessoas do oeste do país, os Loromonu, e as pessoas do leste do país, os Lorosae – divisões que não existem na sociedade Timorense.

Lu'Olo disse que quando a Fretilin começou a governar, o país não tinha dinheiro e que isso tornou difícil o desenvolvimento. Contudo, agora, quando o governo tinha o dinheiro que vem do fundo do petróleo, as forças da oposição estavam a tentar derrubá-lo acusando erradamente o ex-primeiro-ministro e Secretário-Geral do partido Mari Alkatiri de distribuição de armas (o procurador-geral Timorense recentemente confirmou que não havia provas para apoiar a alegação de que Alkatiri tinha formado um esquadrão de ataque para eliminar os opositores políticos).

Lu'Olo disse que conhece bem as competências que a Constituição e as leis atribuem ao cargo de Presidente e que ele próprio não será uma fonte de conflito.
Durante o comício Lu'Olo e Alkatiri soltaram pombos para o céu para significar paz e estabilidade para Timor-Leste.

Sobre o apoio da Fretilin à sua candidatura, Lu'Olo disse que depois de Timor-Leste ter votado pela independência em 1999, tinha planeado deixar a vida pública e regressar a Ossu para trabalhar na agricultura para apoiar a sua família. Contudo, decidiu não seguir esta via porque o partido lhe pediu para ser deputado no Parlamento Nacional. Está agora a lançar a sua candidatura para ser Presidente porque o partido lhe pedira e apelava agora aos seus companheiros para o ajudarem a desempenhar com sucesso o papel de Presidente da República.

A multidão em Ossu, como esperado, estava jubilante por um dos seus estar a concorrer para ser o segundo Presidente da jovem República depois da restauração da independência em 20 de Maio de 2002. Quando os camiões entraram em Ossu no princípio do dia, os passageiros apinhados gritavam continuamente "Viva Lu'Olo, Viva Fretilin". No comício, os apoiantes cantaram e dançaram e numa altura rebentaram uma barreira improvisada para chegarem mais perto do palco de onde Lu'Olo discursava. O começo da chuvada não parou a festa.

Depois do comício, a cidade de Ossu ofereceu um almoço em honra do seu herói local no mercado onde participaram mais de cem pessoas.

Falando depois do comício, Lu'Olo disse (em Tétum) "Estou extremamente satisfeito com a participação de hoje, especialmente com a presença de tantos jovens membros da Fretilin que são tão importantes para o futuro do nosso país e do nosso partido. Estou honrado por ter o apoio deles e o apoio do povo de Ossu".

Lu Olo vizita kampu deslokados iha Dili / Lu Olo visitou campos de deslocados em Dili / Lu Olo visited IDP camps in Dili

Ohin, loron 25 fulan Marsu tinan 2007, Kandidatu FRETILIN nian ba Presidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, halao vizita ba Kampu Deslokados iha Dili: Tibar, Aeroporto Presidente Nicolau Lobato, Jardim Colmera, Escola primaria Farol, Sional, Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares no Obrigado Barrack. Total hamutuk ema 1100.

Aban, kampanha se lao nafatin Gleno, Distritu Ermera.

Hoje, 23 de Marco de 207, o Candidato da FRETILIN a Presidente da Republica, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, visitou os Campos de Deslocados em Dili: Tibar, Aeroporto Presidente Nicolau Lobato, Jardim Colmera, Escola Primaria de Farol, Sional, Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares e Obrigado Barrack. No total, estiveram presentes cerca de 1100 pessoas.

Amanha, a campanha continuara em Gleno, Distrito de Ermera.


Today, March the 23rd 2007, FRETILIN's candidate for President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, visited the IDP (internal displaced people) camps in Dili: Tibar, President Nicolau Lobato Airport, Colmera Park, Farol's Primary School, Sional, National Hospital Guido Valadares and Obrigado Barrack. In total, around 1100 were present.

Tomorrow, the campaign will continue in Gleno, Ermera District.

Lu Olo's presidential campaign launch a huge success despite heavy rain

From correspondents in Timor-Leste

DILI, 25 March 2007

A former freedom fighter who is now President of the National Parliament of Timor-Leste (East Timor), Francisco "Lu'Olo" Guterres, on 23 March 2007 launched his campaign to become President of the Republic at a rally of 10,000 supporters who gathered despite heavy rain in the town of Ossu, southeast of Dili.

Ossu is Lu'Olo's birthplace and the region where he first served his people as a young freedom fighter when he retreated to the mountains with Fretilin forces after the Indonesian invasion in 1975. He fought in the mountains throughout the entire 24-year occupation and was the most senior Fretilin official in Timor-Leste when the Indonesian army left in 1999.

At the rally, Lu'Olo, who is also the president of Fretilin, delivered a speech based on his election promises which were released to the public on 22 March 2007. He said that if elected president of the republic on April 9 he would "be the President of all and a President for all".

Lu'Olo said that he would be a President who would work to resolve the current crisis and establish peace and stability in Timor-Lese. He added that he did not want to be a President that incited divisions between people from the west of the country, Loromonu, and people from the east of the country, Lorosae- divisions that do not exist in East Timorese society.

Lu'Olo said that when Fretilin began to govern, the country had no money and that this had made development difficult. However, now the government had money flowing from the petroleum fund, the opposition forces were trying to bring the government down by wrongly accusing the ex-prime minister and party Secretary General Mari Alkatiri of distributing weapons (the East Timorese prosecutor general recently confirmed that there was a lack of evidence to support the allegation that Alkatiri had armed a hit squad to eliminate political opponents).

Lu'Olo said that he had full knowledge of the competencies which the constitution and laws attributed to the office of President and that he would not be a source of conflict himself.
During the rally Lu'Olo and Alkatiri released pigeons into the sky to signify peace and stability for Timor Leste.

On Fretilin supporting his candidacy, Lu'Olo said that after Timor-Leste had voted for independence in 1999 he planned to leave public life and come back to Ossu to work in agriculture to support his family. However, he decided not to take this path because the party had requested him to join National Parliament as a parliamentarian. He was now launching his bid to become President because the party had requested him to do so and he called on his colleagues to assist him to successfully fulfil his role as President of the Republic.

The Ossu crowd, as expected, was jubilant that one of their own was bidding to become the second President of the young Republic after the restoration of independence on 20 May 2002. When the trucks rolled into Ossu at the start of the day, the packed passengers continuously shouted "Viva Lu'Olo, Viva Fretilin". At the rally, supporters sang and danced and at one stage they broke through a makeshift barrier to get closer to the stage from where Lu'Olo delivered his speech. The onset of rain did not stop the festivities.

After the rally, the town of Ossu held a lunch in honour of their local hero at the marketplace which was attended by more than a hundred people.

Speaking after the rally, Lu'Olo said (Tetum translation to English) "I am extremely pleased with the turn out today, especially with the presence of so many young Fretilin members who are so important for the future of our country and party. I am honoured to have their support and the support of the people of Ossu".

(for a PDF copy with photos please go to Timor

Campaign in Laclubar: with around 2000 people present

March the 24th 2007

Lu Olo's campaign committee headed towards Laclubar (after Ossu), a district of Manatuto, where a rally was held with the participation of more than 2000 people.

Lu Olo spent more than 10 years during his time as a guerrilla fighter in Laclubar, where he was being received with much warmth by his supporters.

During the rally Lu Olo repeated his message that he is ready to become the President of the Republic to serve the nation and the people. He explained that he decided to be a candidate for the presidency after having lived and felt the problems which the people lived today. Lo Olo also elaborated on his life from his birth until his school time and the difficulties he encountered. He affirmed that he decided to run for the presidency to end with all of this, the poverty and the suffering of the people.

Lu Olo continued that in order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to reaffirm the authority of the State and law and order and Timor-Leste should have a President of the Republic:
- who is from everyone and for everyone;
- who should not create conflict but to help end them;
- who will contribute and reinforce the institutions and the organs of the State, and never oppose any of them;
- who has the capacity to listen, to dialogue and never oppose;
- and who has a clear knowledge of his/her institutional competencies and never interfere with those belonging to other organs.

Lu Olo ended the speech saying that he promises to be a President to unite and not to divide.